You might be surprised to find out, often it isn't who you think it is or will be. For those starting up a business, this is one important question and the results can be shocking.
When I started my business, it was after a year of trying to get back on my feet, my dream career came crashing to a halt, through no fault of my own, which made it worse for me. My job at the time became unbearable and the thought of never showing up for work ever again became a dream like that of holidaying to a tropical island to lay in a hammock sipping cocktails all day while soaking in the oceanic view.Knowing I would never be happy working this job, I set towards finding something I could do that would make me happy. After trying all those quizzes to tell me what job would best suit me, what it involves etc, I sat back and thought, maybe I'm not cut out for an everyday, run of the mill job. Maybe my job doesn't exist, maybe I need to create it. Thanks to a friend, I was soon headed in the right direction, the direction of a small business management course. It was at this point I found out who out there was supportive and who thought I should just go and get a 'normal' job. I say 'normal' as a job that is common and already exists, like the one I just had to run away from.
The course equipped us with a business plan, knowledge or taxation, marketing and finance, everything you need to know about running a business. With all the office knowledge and qualifications I had, I was excited at putting these skills to use in my own business, sadly, not everyone was of the same mind and for me, some very close people were not standing in my corner. I tried to show to them it was a good idea but it was a waste of effort, I felt alone, until friends told me not to worry about what those people said and wanted me to do, go and do what makes you happy, this is my life after all. Just knowing I had a handful of people supporting and encouraging me was enough for to take the leap of faith needed to make my business a reality. It has taken two long years, but I'm not counting because this is something I live for and can't wait to work on every morning when I wake up.
As for those who were not standing in my corner, I no longer concern myself with them, they simply cannot see the wonderful things I am capable of. In time, they may come around, but if they don't then perhaps their role in my life has changed or come to an end.
If you find this all too familiar then remember to be gentle to those who are not in your corner or who are trying to hold you back, hold your head high and work towards your dream. If at any time you find yourself struggling, find a role model, someone you can look up to and relate to. Whatever you do, don't give up the chance of making your dream a reality.